The identification of prejudices towards people with disabilities that underlie the university population is a necessity in order to be able to design appropriate inclusive policies aimed to eradicate barriers to a non-discriminatory universal education. At present, however, there is no a specific assessment instrument available for this population, which allows for a needs assessment for updating, training or academic formal training in university institutions.The objective of the project was to develop a specific psychometric scale, for the university setting, that would allow quantifying prejudice towards people with disabilities that would guarantee their reliability and validity evidence. From the quantitative approach of the construction of psychometric scales, a battery of items was developed from a previous qualitative study done in 2017 and 2018 and the ambivalent prejudice model. Based on previous assessments by expert judges, an initial scale of 72 items was designed and administered to an incidental sample of 551 people, from three university institutions: UCR and UNA (Costa Rica) and UPSA (Spain). After the psychometric analysis, a 24-items scale was obtained with an internal consistency of .89. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis shows adequate adjustment rates GFI > .95; AGFI > .90; NFI > .95) for a 4-factor model: Benevolent Idealization, Contact Avoidance, Sexist Prejudice Amplification, and Perception of Excess Demands. The results allow us to conclude that this scale has satisfactory reliability, and sufficient evidence of validity based on the content and internal structure.
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