Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Theory of Mind in the Context of the Theory of Troop Dynamics and its Contributions to Education
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theory of mind
modeling of the mind
theory of troop dynamics
cognitive architecture
teoría de la mente
teorías de teoría de la mente
modelación de la mente
teoría de dinámica de tropas
arquitecturas cognicionales

How to Cite

Mora Umaña, A. M. (2010). Theory of Mind in the Context of the Theory of Troop Dynamics and its Contributions to Education. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 34(2), 95–108.


The theory of mind is a primatologist term that arises in studies by Premark and Woodfrutt, and is currently a topic of interest for many disciplines. In this essay, we will address the subject of theory of mind according to its social functions and its relationship with shaping of the mind and the mediating role of language, as well as some of the contributions you can make the study of such education. We start with the Theory of Troop Dynamics as an alternative to the construction of a more comprehensive theory of mind in our species, which we call mind modeling. The essay concludes that without the theory of mind and mind modeling learning is impossible in human terms.
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