Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Didactic Interactions in the Deaf Bilingual Classroom for the Learning of Chilean Sign Language
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Special Education
Deaf Education
Sign Language Development
First Language Acquisition
Chilean Sign Language
Educación especial
Educación del estudiantado sordo
Desarrollo de la lengua de señas
Adquisición primera lengua
Lengua de Señas

How to Cite

Acuña Robertson, X. ., & Lattapiat Navarro, P. (2025). Didactic Interactions in the Deaf Bilingual Classroom for the Learning of Chilean Sign Language. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 49(1), 1–21.


This study was conducted in a special school for deaf students with a bilingual approach, focusing on the initial stages of education. The objective was to identify which communicative interactions in Chilean Sign Language (LSCh) occur during didactic activities between teachers and students, and how these interactions contribute to the development of LSCh. A qualitative case study of an exploratory and descriptive nature was employed. Three groups of students, aged 5 to 10, were observed and recorded during Language classes. The analysis focused on the communicative practices of the hearing teaching staff and identified didactic tools for fostering linguistic development. The findings reveal that interactions are predominantly initiated and controlled by the teaching staff, emphasizing the form of signs rather than their content, with a focus on isolated lexical units. The way teachers use LSCh, particularly their gestural and visual resources, as well as the communicative exchanges they foster within the classroom, is crucial for students' acquisition of LSCh. The significance of this study lies in its potential to enable teachers to monitor their own interactions and recognize their critical role as facilitators of language development.
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