Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

Vol. 12 No. 2 (2022): July-December


For the cover design of this current issue we used a photograph provided by Professor Emeritus of the Escuela de Estudios Generales, Maria Enriqueta Guardia Yglesias, corresponding to the engraving plate of the work “Venda de prensa” (n.d.), a 9.5 cm x 6.5 cm block, made by the “Benemérita de la patria” Emilia Prieto Tugores (1902-1986). With this work we join the commemoration of the 120th anniversary of the birth of this distinguished Costa Rican artist. We thank Liana Babbar Amighetti, granddaughter of the author, for the authorization to use the image. 

Of Social Sciences, Philosophy and Education

Kathia Alvarado Calderón, Dra., Claire De Mezerville López, Mgtr.
The Psychopedagogy Section after 40 Years of Service. Contributions in The Training of Teachers at The University of Costa Rica
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Martín Buceta, Dr.
Between Philosophy and Literature: Albert Camus and the Transition of Absurd Existence towards the Community of Solidarity
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Ernesto Fajardo Pascagaza, Dr., Fabiola Inés Hernández Barriga, Dra.
Comprehensive University Training from The Context of the Humanities and its Contribution to Experiential Learning for Service
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José Alfonso Jiménez Moreno, Dr., Iván de Jesús Contreras Espinoza, Mstr., Maricela López Ornelas, Dra.
The Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches as Methodological Support in Educational Research: An Epistemological Analysis
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María del Carmen Molina Barea, Dra.
Tracing Lack: Lacan, the Letter and The Origin of the World
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Juan Camilo Puentes, Mag.
The Postmodern, a Conceptual Clarification
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Luis Carlos Sierra Ávila, Lic.
Approaches Towards a Synthetic Understanding of the Freedom
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Andrés Solano-Fallas, Mgtr.
A Philosophical Reading of The Marquise De Gange (1813) by The Marquis De Sade
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