Current Issue
January-June 2024 (Continuous Publication)
Issue under construction
Recepción de documentos
New section: [.SUWA´: creative production.]
This section seeks to disseminate literary texts (lyrical, narrative or essayistic, among others) that dialogue with the socio-cultural themes addressed by the magazine. To specify the interrelation between creative freedom and the search for knowledge, this section is named after the Bribri term Suwa', which means wind, knowledge, and traditional storytelling. Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe thanks Bribri researcher Alí García Segura for providing us with this valuable information. Alí García Segura belongs to the original Bribri people (from the Talamanca region in Costa Rica). He is a Bribri Language and Culture Advisor at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Costa Rica. He has collaborated in research and publications of his native language in academia.
Transition process to open evaluation
The journal Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio on Central America and the Caribbean (CICAC), in the framework of its 20th anniversary, gladly assumes the challenge of incorporating the open evaluation modality - gradually - to its editorial work, in order to begin to apply the postulates of open science, understood as: "a movement that aims to make science more open, accessible, efficient, democratic and transparent" [own translation] (UNESCO, 2023,
Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe belongs to the Center for Research on Latin American Identity and Culture, of the University of Costa Rica, and its objective is the dissemination of scientific production and academic reflection on issues related to identities and cultures in Central America and the Caribbean, while considering that the region is part of a broader set of Latin America and other cultural areas. Our purpose is to serve as a means to disseminate knowledge on cultural and social issues and facilitate academic exchange between researchers from universities around the world, engaged in investigating the processes associated with such issues.
Considering our focus of interest, Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe is marked by interdisciplinarity, hence it receives contributions from different social sciences, arts and letters. With a view to fostering a broad discussion, the magazine contains articles of a scientific nature, but also incorporates reflection on applied experiences in the field of culture and identity. Its target audience is the academy and the general public.
Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe is a refereed academic journal, which submits the articles received to a rigorous double-blind peer review, for which it has a body of international specialists. The format of its publication is digital and its periodicity is semi-annual. The first number includes from January to June; the second, from July to December.
*This journal does not generate any cost for publishing and processing the articles received (APC).
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