Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

Promotion of learning strategies from teaching action: university perceptions of teaching
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método de enseñanza
estrategias educativas
método de aprendizaje
enseñanza superior
teaching methods
educational strategies
learning methods
higher education

How to Cite

Henríquez Ritchie, P., & Álvarez Mariscal, M. (2018). Promotion of learning strategies from teaching action: university perceptions of teaching. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 18(3).


In this article are exposed the results of a research whose objective was to explore the educational strategies used by university teachers, the forms of evaluation of learning and the strategies of learning that promote in their students. Two contexts related to the training of educational agents were chosen: the degree of Science in Education of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) and the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). A non-representative sample of 24 teachers (19 UCM teachers and 5 UABC teachers) was selected, who were interviewed in a semi-structured depth. This article presents the results related to the dimension of learning strategies: in this respect, a sub-dimension related to the promotion of learning strategies was identified, three categories (student-centered learning, content-centered learning and teacher-centered learning) and four sub-categories of analysis. From the results of the research, it is suggested to deepen the understanding of student-centered learning strategies, which are identified with the constructivist theories of knowledge generation. At the same time, these results are expected to provide theoretical and methodological elements to improve the understanding of the learning strategies currently used by university students in contexts of formation of educational agents and their metacognitive processes.
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