The conceptions on mathematical modeling presented by teachers affect the way in which this mathematical process is approached in the classroom and the teaching strategies used. The objective of this research was to characterize the meaning and perspectives in mathematical modeling of a group of teacher educators of the Mathematics Education program. It was a qualitive research. A virtual interview was applied to 20 teachers, in the second semester of 2021. The applied instrument had the consent of the teachers to participate in the research and included a description of the confidentiality of the information. For the analysis of the information, content analysis was used. Among the results, it can be mentioned that the meaning given by mathematics educators to the modeling process is linked to problem solving, without a close relationship with the context that arises. On the other hand, among the difficulties that teachers mention and that affect students when facing modeling problems, is the understanding of the problem, which, in their opinion, is due to a lack of algebraic knowledge. It is determined that the approach to problems with a specific mathematical knowledge for the treatment or use of data is one of the most used teaching strategies to approach mathematical modeling. In addition, it is indicated that for the incorporation of modeling in the study plans for the training of mathematics teachers, it is necessary to address their knowledge about modeling processes, as well as adequate planning and incorporation of this type of activities.
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