Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos ISSN Impreso: 0377-7316 ISSN electrónico: 2215-4175

Sidestepping the State: Practices of Social Service Commodification among Nicaraguans in Costa Rica and Nicaragua
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migration, remittances, healthcare, legality, social services, bureaucracy
migración, remesas, servicio de salud, legalidad, servicio social, burocracia

How to Cite

Fouratt, C. E., & Voorend, K. (2019). Sidestepping the State: Practices of Social Service Commodification among Nicaraguans in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Anuario De Estudios Centroamericanos, 45, 373–403.


This paper critically assesses the relationship between migrants and the state, and public social policy, in both sending and receiving country. We analyze the extent to which Nicaraguan migrant families on both sides of the Costa Rica–Nicaragua migration system incorporate public social protection in their welfare strategies. Drawing on two sets of qualitative data, we find that, on both sides of the border, migrants and their families display very similar commodified practices of welfare strategies, side-stepping the state and purchasing services in the private sector.
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