Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Discipline Between The Legal Requirements and Educational stakeholders
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Conflicto disciplinario
disciplina escolar
actores escolares.
Disciplinary conflict
school discipline
school actors.

How to Cite

Palacios Mena, N., & Herrera, J. D. (2013). Discipline Between The Legal Requirements and Educational stakeholders. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 37(1), 89–117.


This article describes how school discipline works in a secondary educational institution in Colombia. The aim is to explain the origin of the disciplinary conflict, the situations that generate it, the way the institution tries to achieve and keep discipline, stakeholders’ explanations to the disciplinary conflict and how they live them. 

The methodology focused on a mixed approach, which combined three techniques, survey (quantitative) interview and document analysis (qualitative).Data analysis is done in light of sociological approaches which recognize the huge importance social structures have on the way individuals think and act, and which highlight the great capacity of social actors to adapt themselves to these structures and to give their own dynamics to individuals’ relationships Through their ideas and actions.

It was concluded that on school discipline there is no unity of criterion among teachers, managers and students either in its definition, importance, or way to obtain it; these differences cause tensions and disagreements between members of the educational community.
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Referencias extraídas

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