Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

La Investigación aplicada: Una forma de conocer las realidades con evidencia científica
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complex reality
applied research
realidad compleja
investigación aplicada
evidencia científica

How to Cite

Vargas Cordero, Z. R. (2009). La Investigación aplicada: Una forma de conocer las realidades con evidencia científica. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 33(1), 155–165.


This is an essay where an interpretation of applied research that is current in the System of Studies of Post grade of the University of Costa Rica (SEP) is exposed, for the final work of graduation in the professional masters' degrees. Some criteria of the author, academic discussions are discussed on the subject and other reasonings, based in contributions of different authors. The need is to update knowledge in agreement with the investigation and the possibilities to carry it out, and is based on the assumption that research is essential in the professional formation, since it generates new knowledge that feedback the disciplines and the professional exercise. The research itself, on one hand requires rigor and excellence; and in the other, it maintains the platform to propose and to develop new investigations. For that reason, the importance of active participation of students and teachers in the investigation processes cannot be ignored, to favor the taking of conscience of the reality that is investigated, as well as of the duties and rights of those who they investigate, which implies a new form to think the practice of research, so that solutions based on the context of people's actions and on philosophical, ontological, epistemological and methodological changes in investigation are offered. On that matter, research based on the knowledge and the understanding of how people perceive their reality and themselves; that is to say, that which focuses on the development of actions for the improvement of the reality that is investigated is analyzed throughout the essay as an operative necessity.
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Referencias extraídas

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