Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos ISSN Impreso: 0377-7316 ISSN electrónico: 2215-4175

Social Orders, Political Regimes, and Geopolitics in Central America: a long-term Reading in the Context of the Bicentennial
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Social Order
Political Regime
United States
Central American States
orden social
régimen político
Estados Unidos
Estados centroamericanos

How to Cite

Cortés Ramos, A., & Fernández Alvarado, D. (2021). Social Orders, Political Regimes, and Geopolitics in Central America: a long-term Reading in the Context of the Bicentennial. Anuario De Estudios Centroamericanos, 47, 1–40.


This article aims to take stock of the trajectory of the Central American States in the 20th century and up to the present. The temporal delimitation is related to the rise of the United States as hegemonic power in the Caribbean region as of 1898. In fact, the article discusses the relationship between social order, political and geopolitical regime in the Central American region. Throughout the historical and empirical analysis developed, it is concluded that although the authoritarian social order that has prevailed throughout the period has endogenous factors that are important, geopolitics has had a weight between conditioning and determining in the history of these States. In other words, in the long term, North American geopolitics and the alliances that have been established between the hegemon and the actors of power and military institutions have managed to block the attempts at transformation and reform, helping to perpetuate a conservative and authoritarian social order.
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