The term “mental retarded has been stigmatizedthrough due to an erroneous diagnosis thatcharacterizes it as a barrier to learning. This articleincludes the results obtained through the applicationof a reading program and behavior modification techniqueswith seven mentally retarded adults ages 29to 49. The subjects had no formal education, so theycould not show their abilities once they were includedin this category. This condition is accopmained byconsiderable restrictions in such areas as communication,self-care, home life, social abilities, self-control.Its etiology is (DSMIV,1997). This study also presentthe results obtained in the identification of syllables,words , phrases and sentences in the applications anindividual-subject design and changing criteria inwhich the researchers changes the criteria graduallyin order to elicit behavior, step by step, from the baselineto the target level (Hall, 1973: 23). The readingprocess was based on a book whose philosophy focuseson the phonetic method which was designed takinginto account the subjects learning characteristics.Strong areas such as audio and motor areas wereincorporated which facilitated learning.References
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