Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

No. 37 (2018): Diciembre 2018-Mayo 2019
Diciembre 2018-Mayo 2019


Carolina Mora Chinchilla
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Editorial Note

Carolina Mora Chinchilla
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Eduardo Madrigal Muñoz
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Gustavo Ramón Jacobo
La Reforma luterana y los orígenes de la democracia representativa
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Martin Hoffmann
The impact of the Protestant Reformation
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Euclides Padilla Caíña
The keystone of the Martin Luther’s (1483-1546) educational and pedagogical building
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Javier Alfonso Lastra Bravo
Koyang, Treaties and Parliaments in the Mapuche tradition
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Tomás Federico Arias Castro
Freemasonry in the Mexican Revolution: The relationship between the Mexican President Francisco I. Madero González and the Costa Rican intellectual Rogelio Fernández Güell
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Lenin Chacón Vargas
Memory of the Political Secretary of the Popular Vanguard Party, San Isidro of EL GENERAL, San José, 1948 TESTIMONY OF FRANKLIN CHACON ESTRADA IN THE CIVIL WAR OF 1948
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Laura Beatriz Moreno Rodríguez
70 years after the 1948 Civil War, José Figueres in Mexico
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Manuel Enrique López Brenes, Roberto Marín Guzmán
Some of the main political causes of the Arab social manifestations of the present (2010-2011)
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Fabrizio Fallas-Vargas
The Dialectic Image as a relevant category towards negative dialectics constelations: GOYA, GROSZ AND BENJAMIN / KLEE
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Adriá Harillo Pla
Artistic institution and post-truth. An effective relationship
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Pilar Úcar Ventura
Violence in the language of popular tales: myths, reality and emotions
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Andrei Cambronero Torres
QUO VADIS SOCIETY? An X-ray of the social space in which we are living
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Kirenia Caridad Saborit Valdes
Look the political subject from the philosophical anthropology: Diversity and political practical
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Érika Valverde Valverde
From suffragism to parity: conquests and paradoxes in Costa Rica's bicentennial
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Ronald Eduardo Díaz Bolaños
The teaching of Geography and its role in the invention of national identity in Costa Rica (1833-1944)
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Diego Alejandro Sánchez Cárdenas
Perú: Higher education at a distance: feasibility analysis
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Claire Marie Mézerville López
The Challenging conversation: Peace culture regarding Costa Rican sexual education
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José David Ramírez Roldán, Josué Jiménez Álvarez
San Lucas Island: intellectual discussion, criminal policy and agricultural colony project in Costa Rica during the 20th century
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Ileana Ávalos Rodríguez, Carmen Ivankovich
Recreation of personal identity from a complex and holistic approach
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Sol Argüello Scriba, María Gabriela Regueyra Edelmann
Academic culture, Rethoric and literacy in the university
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Alejandra Vega Fallas
Some military and symbolic strategies of conquest during the first contact between the Indo-American and the peninsular cultures, according to proposals subtracted from "El Príncipe" by Nicola Machiavelli
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Guido José Torre Gannown
The political influence of the Borgias in the thought of Niccolo Maquiavelli
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David Ernesto Mariadaga Reymundo
Fear like control mechanism for direct the will of the people in El Salvador, a view since of the political theory of Machiavelli, The Prince
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Carlos Jefferson Alonso de León
Necessity of indigenous inclusion to guarantee the preservation of State of Guatemala
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María Susana Harringhton, Rósmar Brito Márquez
Un/tangling the skeins of History: Los amos del Valle, by Francisco Herrera Luque
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Elizabeth Abigail Sampson
Social and political problems in El coronel no tiene quien le escriba (1958) by Gabriel García Márquez
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José David Mendoza Álvarez
Pre-roman Pyramids in the south of Andalusia (SPAIN)
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