Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

Vol. 23 No. 2 (2023): (May-August)


Diana Herrero-Villarreal, Marianela Navarro-Camacho, Rachel Lyn Korach Cascante
Nature of Sciences and Gender as transversal themes in Physics I courses at the UNED of Costa Rica
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Silvia Milagritos Bázan Velásquez, Lupita Esmeralda Arocutipa Huanacuni, Gilberto Platero Aratia
Peruvian university teachers' attitudes towards work in post-pandemic times
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Silvia Alvarado Cordero
Vocational behavior of students from the counseling career at the University of Costa Rica
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Consuelo de los Angeles Vielma Sepúlveda, Daniela Francisca Guzmán Baquedano, Gabriela Ribeiro Schilling, Allessandra Fraga Da Ré, Eduardo Felipe Córdova Figueroa, Maria Cristina de Almeida Freitas Cardoso
Professional undergraduate degree training in Speech and Language Pathology: A comparison study between Chile and Brazil
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Jessica Bórquez Mella, Teresa Sanhueza Vega, Pamela Alarcón Chávez, Jenny Díaz Garrido
Development of competencies in initial teachers' training: perception of Chilean university graduates
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Edgar Grimaldo Salazar, Blanca Ivet Chávez Soto
Torrance verbal-a creativity test: Evidence of Psychometric Validity in Mexican Elementary School Students
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Mónica Arias Monge, Laura Solano Alvarado, Guaner Rojas Rojas
Suitability analysis of a bank of items for people with hearing and visual impairments in a standardized test for access to higher education in Costa Rica
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Osvaldo Murillo Aguilar, Viria Ureña Salazar
Accompaniment from the Guidance from students of Technical Education institutions
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Ana Lupita Chaves Salas, Helvetia Cárdenas Leitón, Julieta Castro Bonilla, Carlos Olivas Gómez, Yendry Gómez Acuña
The curricula of teacher training careers offered by public and private universities and their coherence with educational policies in Costa Rica
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René Aguilera Barraza, Patricio Tobar Quezada, Luis Rojas Merida
Inclusion of migrant students in public schools, seen through the perspective of teachers, Arica, Chile
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Sebastián Andrés Ortiz Mallegas, René Sepúlveda Bravo, Claudia Carrasco-Aguilar, Tabisa Verdejo Valenzuela, Lilian Vergara Araya
Teacher collectivity and career paths in the Chilean accountability context
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Olman Salazar-Ureña, Sara Concepción Maury-Mena, Juan Carlos Marín-Escobar, Antony Maury
Training needs for single-teacher educators, Circuit 07, Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica
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Ricardo Gaete Quezada, Andrea González Cornejo, Gabriel Carmona Robles
Teaching and evaluative methodologies for university training in management and administration at the Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
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