Anuario Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos ISSN Impreso: 2215-2806 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2873

Call for Contributions for Thematic Section of "Social studies of water in Latin America and the Caribbean"
Call for Contributions for the Thematic Section on "Water studies in Latin America and the Caribbean” The Anuario CIEP invites researchers, scholars and professionals to send their contributions for the thematic section of our next issue dedicated to water studies in Latin America and the Caribbean from a political ecology perspective.   

Key dates:

  • Submission of abstracts: March 15, 2025
  • Submission of full drafts: August 31, 2025

Topic description: Water is a fundamental resources for life and development, and its management and distribution are key issues for political ecology. For decades, researchers linked to this academic perspective have highlighted how practices, rules, institutions, and infrastructures that define water use and access are characterized by being fragmented, complex, imbued with political power, and prone to producing inequalities of use and access based on differences in class, gender, and ethnicity. Although cases vary significantly, particular attention has been directed to how the extraction, circulation, and consumption of drinking water—whether in public, community, or commodified (and/or privatized) forms—reveal multiscalar processes that shape how different social groups exercise control over resource access and use. Studying the intersection between water resources and power relations in Latin America and the Caribbean is a fertile field for analysis and critical reflection. The thematic section of our upcoming issue of Anuario CIEP seeks to explore this intersection and foster rigorous and multidisciplinary academic debate on water management, related conflicts, control strategies for use and access, and their political, economic, and social purposes.

Suggested Themes:

  • Political management of water

  • Hydrosocial territories

  • Water landscapes

  • Water governance

  • Water governmentalities

  • Toxic geographies of water

  • Environmental services of water

  • Competing water uses (tourism, hydroelectric, agriculture)

  • Urban political ecologies of water

  • Neoliberalization and privatization of water

  • Human rights and access to water

  • Socio-environmental conflicts over water

  • Community participation in water management

  • Water crises and scarcity and their political constructions

Invitation to Authors: Interested authors are invited to submit an abstract of their proposal (maximum 300 words) by March 15, 2025. These abstracts will be evaluated by the thematic editors of the issue to proceed with the submission of full drafts by August 31, 2025.

Contact: For more information and submission of proposals, please contact Alonso Ramírez or Daniella Carranza via email at Send a 300-word abstract to by March 15, 2025.