Anuario Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos ISSN Impreso: 2215-2806 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2873


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Article structure

There are no prescribed guidelines for research articles received by this journal. However, authors should include an appropriate discussion of relevant literature for the article, offer a detailed description of the methodology used to obtain research results, an extended discussion of these results and their respective interpretations. Conclusions should be more than a reiteration of the research findings and offer a discussion of the main contributions of research to the wider debate.

To allow these objectives, the article should be divided in clearly defined and numerated sections. All subsections must include a small subtitle which should be highlighted. All subtitles should appear afterwards.


This journal receives articles written in Spanish or English. However, combinations of both languages are not allowed. Articles must be well-written and without grammatical orthographic errors.

Title, abstract and keywords

All articles should include a concise abstract of no more than 250 words, immediately after the title of the article. The abstract should offer a brief description of the main objective, results, and conclusions, as well as the research methodology used. The abstract should be capable of standing alone. Bibliographic references should be avoided in the abstract whenever possible.

All articles should include a list of five keywords, immediately after the abstract.

The title, abstract and keywords should be written in Spanish and English, irrelevant of the language used to write the rest of the manuscript.


Footnotes should be used responsibly. These should be numbered consecutively throughout the article. Manuscripts should not use endnotes.


  • The alignment title of the article should be centered and be written using Times New Roman size 14. It should be immediately followed by a space and then the title in Spanish, following the same format.
  • Following the title in English, a space should be left, followed by the word “Abstract” and then the text offering a summary of the article, using a justified text alignment.
  • Afterwards, a space should be left and then the word “Keywords” should be written using bold text and a justified text alignment. These words are separated by commas and written in lower caps, except in case of proper names.
  • Use the same format to include the Spanish summary and keywords.
  • The text of the article should be written in Times New Roman, size 12. Use a simple line spacing and a 10-point paragraph spacing. The article should use a justified text alignment. Do not include margins of any kind.
  • Section titling is done using bold font and caps. Please leave a 1-line space between section titles and the previous paragraph.
  • Subsection titles are written in bold fonts and with caps only in the first letter, except in case of proper nouns.
  • The use of acronyms is permitted, after referencing beforehand using parenthesis.
  • The use of italics is permitted only in the following cases: a) to indicate words written in a different language and b) to highlight words and sentences in the text for argumentative purposes.
  • Footnotes should appear using a justified text alignment and in Times New Roman, size 10.

Figures and tables

  • Figure and table titles should be presented using a center alignment and in bold font.
  • All internal data on figures and graphs should use Times New Roman, size 9.
  • The content of the tables should have no line spacing and using a left alignment.
  • The line stating the source of the figure or table should be placed after, using Times New Roman, size 10.


Beginning with its 12th issue (published throughout 2021), this journal will use Chicago Deusto, author-date as its reference system. We recommend using the brief guide that is included in section V.7 of our Editorial Guidelines, which is available at this link.