The Anuario del Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos is registered in the following information, indices, directories and information services:
Catalogues and Directories
Latindex is an academic information directory service specialized in academic journals in Iberoamerica.
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an open academic journal directory.
Collective catalogue for research journals of interest for the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Unified catalogue of collegue libraries of France.
The European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH-PLUS) is an index that ennumerates and classifies academicr journals from all over the world, registering open access information and other minimum criteria.
Free access database created by the the University of La Rioja (Spain) to server as an index for Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American journals.
The Information Analysis Matrix of Journals is an information service based in journal directories.
SHERPA-ROMEO is a database produced by the University of Nottingham which enumerates scientific journals around the world.
Journal Networks
The Red Latinoamericana de Revistas en Ciencias Sociales (LatinREV) is a cooperative network of academic journals organized by the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Argentina.