Anuario Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos ISSN Impreso: 2215-2806 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2873


Policy on plagiarism

Anuario del Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos has developed measures with the intent of avoiding and detecting plagiarism in the proposals sent to us for publication. For that, we have a specific protocol to engage situations of suspected plagiarism and access to Turnitin as means to detect these situations ( The documents analyzed with Turnitin may not have more than 20% coincidence (except in cases of multiple concurrent and redundant publications presented in section XV of our Publication Guidelines) and all quotes must mention the source, as explained in our Guidelines. 

In case of detecting plagiarism in a manuscript, the journal proceeds in the following fashion: 1) the Editorial Council will present the evidence to the author, 2) the author has 10 days to offer a rebuttal, in case of considering that the Council's resolution has not merit. In such cases, the rebuttal will be analyzed by the Editorial Council, 3) if the Council rejects the article in a second occasion, the manuscript will be rejected. Re-submission after this point will not be considered by the editors and will be rejected.

In this journal, we wish to avoid these situations, so we have defined the following responsibilities and dutires for the people that participate in our publication process: 

  • Editors should follow the highest ethical standards in their supervision of publication processes, guaranteeing that all evaluations are fair and without any ethical biases. This implies that all articles will be reviewed by a minimum of two reasonably qualified peer reviewers and that the editorial team will develop Publication Guidelines and policies (such as the defined in this section) offering adequate orientation about what to do in cases of plagiarism or unethical research practices. Anuario CIEP reserves the right to seek additional peer reviewers in case that evaluations are considered of poor quality. 
  • Authors should present original and non-previously published articles based in rigorous, transparent and ethical research processes. To guarantee this, the Anuario asks for a declaration of originality of every manuscript received. By signing this declaration, the author assumes responsibility of his or her research when published. Our Publication Guidelines ask the author to abstain sending the manuscript simultaneously to other means of academic publication and point out potential conflicts of interest in their publications.
  • All authors must clearly identify where did they get funding to develop their research and if research originates in research projects, thesis or previous articles. They should be willing to correct or retract their articles if the situation demands it. 
  • Peer-reviewers should comment on the originality of received manuscripts and alert our editorial team in cases of redundant publications, fraud or plagiarism. Reviewers must justify their observations and will offer pertinent and constructive comments with the objective of improving the quality of the manuscript for publication. All reviewers should abstain from making use of the content of the manuscripts under review not until the information be published.