Anuario Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos ISSN Impreso: 2215-2806 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2873

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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 5. The files must be sent in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word formats (.ODT, .DOC or .DOCX).
  • 6. The material sent fulfills the requisites indicated in the Author's Guidelines.
  • 4. There must be at least one author identified as the corresponding author, who will serve as our liaison for communications and notifications. Authors should offer their e-mail.
  • 1. The file with the text of the research article, document or review includes: a) title (in Spanish and English), b) abstract (in Spanish and English), c) keywords (in Spanish and English), d) manuscript text (including bibliography and footnotes), e) images, graphs, and/or maps with their descriptions and f) tables (including titles and descriptions).
  • 2. The text of the article does not include the name of the author(s), nor any other information that allow other to identify the authors.
  • 3. Cover letter: It must be included as a separate file, which should include: a) article title, b) authors' identities and contact information, c) a brief bio (max 200 words) for each author, including their ORCID link, for inclusion in the article if accepted, d) word count, e) statement of interest (see Title VI), f) statement of originality (see Title IX), g) acknowledgments for inclusion in the published article and h) funding information for inclusion in the article if accepted.

Author Guidelines


There is no prescribed structure for the research articles submitted to this journal. However, authors must include a proper discussion of relevant literature, provide a detailed description of the methodology used to obtain research results, and present these results along with their interpretations. Conclusions should go beyond merely restating research findings and instead discuss the main contributions of the research to broader debates.

Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Each subsection should have a short subtitle, either in bold or highlighted, and should appear on a separate line.

Language of the Article

Articles written in Spanish and English are accepted. Articles that combine both languages are not allowed. The text must be written as clearly as possible, without grammatical or spelling errors.

Title, Abstract and Keywords

All articles must include a concise abstract of up to 250 words, placed immediately after the title. The abstract should briefly state the research purpose, main findings, and conclusions. It should be self-contained, meaning that bibliographic references should be avoided as much as possible.

All articles must include a list of five keywords immediately following the abstract.
The title, abstract, and keywords must be written in both English and Spanish, regardless of the language chosen for the rest of the manuscript.


Footnotes should be used responsibly and numbered consecutively throughout the article. Endnotes are not permitted.


  • The article title should be centered, bold, in uppercase, Times New Roman font, size 14. Afterward, leave a space and write the English title in the same format.
  • After the English title, leave a space and write the word "Resumen" (Abstract) in bold and centered. On the next line, develop the abstract in justified text.
  • Leave a space and write "Palabras clave" (Keywords) in bold, justified text. The keywords should be separated by commas and written in lowercase, except for proper nouns.
  • Then leave another space and use the same format to write the abstract and keywords in English.
  • The main body text should be in Times New Roman, size 12, with single line spacing and 10-point spacing between paragraphs, justified. Indents should not be used.
  • Section titles should be bold and uppercase. Leave a line of space before the section title.
  • Subsection titles should be bold and have only the first letter capitalized unless they contain proper nouns.
  • Acronyms should be written out in full the first time they appear, followed by the acronym in parentheses.
  • Italics may be used only for the following cases: a) to indicate words in another language (except in the abstract and keywords) and b) to emphasize words or phrases in the text.
  • Footnotes should be justified and in Times New Roman, size 10.

Figures, tables and graphs

  • Titles should be centered and bold.
  • The font size for graphs, tables, or figures should be 9 points in Times New Roman.
  • The content of the tables should have 0-point line spacing and be left-aligned.
  • The word "Source" should be followed by a colon (:).
  • The source should be written in Times New Roman, size 10.

Bibliographic references

This journal uses the Chicago Deusto author-date citation system. It is recommended to follow the brief guide included in section V.7 of our Publishing Guidelines, available at this link. For further details and examples, consult the Chicago Deusto Manual of Style. A Brief Guide to Citations and Bibliographic References, available for free at the following link:

Privacy Statement

Anuario CIEP is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust with respecto to your privacy. The names and e-mail addresses registered at this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by this journal and will not be used or made available for any other use or person.