Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Vol. 48, Num. 1 (2024): Revista Educación (january-june)
Vol. 48, Num. 1 (2024): Revista Educación (january-june)


Mercedes Rosalía González Arreola, Katiuska Fernández Morales
Didactic Use of Technology in Teaching Practice in STEM Areas
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Fátima Isabel Flores Taboada, Liz María Vera Alva, Felipe Anderson Rios Incio
Wattpad and Digital Reading: Increase in Reading Habits Among Young People
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Denis Humberto Yanes Galeas, Edy Omar Henríquez Bejarano, Juana López, Luisa Eduviges Garcia Gavarrete, Maria Lourdes Madrid Orellana, Oscar Bulnes Madrid, Ulises Joel Pineda Nataren
Teacher Digital Literacy: A Challenge for Basic Education in Honduras
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Jenncy Carazo Mesén, Javier Ernesto Rodríguez Yáñez, Edwin Fabián Fernández Fernández
Relationship between the Student Population Profile and their Academic Performance in a General Chemistry Course
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Andrea Marin Solórzano, Brandon Alberto Hernández Delgado, Ericka Isabel Jiménez Espinoza
Manifestations of Well-being Based on the Experience of Separation in Couples among Men in Middle Adulthood: A Contribution from the Field of Counseling
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Franmis José Rodríguez Jiménez, Maria Elena Pérez Ochoa, Óscar Ulloa Guerra
Educational Innovation: Exploring the Impact of the Flipped Classroom on High School Students' Academic Performance in Mathematics
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Tatiana Aura Morales Silva, Enmanuel Álvarez Duran
Progress and Evaluation of Scientific Skills through the Use of the Scientific Inquiry Methodology in Initial Education
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Enmanuel Álvarez Durán, Mario Tapia Henríquez , Nicole Riveros Diegues
|Motivations for Admission of Pedagogy Students: Case of a University in Northern Chile
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Andrea Alemán Andrade, Camilo Kunstek
Causes of University Students Desertion in Pandemic Times at the Bolivian Catholic University
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Bárbara Bravo Pereira, Carolina Flores Fuentes, Tamara Medel Medel, Judith Moya Sandoval, Carla Orellana Hernández, Gerardo Sánchez Sánchez
|Challenging Oppositional Behaviors in the Return to Face-to-Face Classes: Teachers' Perspective
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Natalia Ortiz Espinal, Liris Yojana Márquez Ángel , Elquin Mejía, Jenny Mahecha
Planning, a Fundamental Process in the Self-Regulation of Learning in Secondary Education
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Vilma Del Valle Lanza Castillo, Lolymar De Los Ángeles Romero Maza, Miguel Israel Bennasar García
Recreational Activities as a Pedagogical Strategy to Strengthen Learning in the Subject of Human Anatomy and Physiology
PDF (Español (España))
Bertha Guamán Guaya, María Amparo Calatayud Salom, Purificación Sánchez Delgado
The Challenge of Teaching Methodologies of Ecuadorian High School Teachers as a Factor of School Success
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Eduardo Aguilar Fernández, José Andrey Zamora Araya
Psychometric Properties of the Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics in Spanish for Engineering and Mathematics Students at the National University of Costa Rica
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Carolina Elizalde, Cecilia Barni
Comprehensive Education in Times of Change
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Ismael García Cedillo, Silvia Romero Contreras, Norma Guadalupe Márquez Cabellos, Silviana Rubio Rodríguez, Andrea Saldívar Reyes
Educational Attention to Students with Special Educational Needs in Mexico during the Pandemic
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Dora Isabel Gómez Jaime, Maribel del Socorro Duriez González
Evaluative Practices in the Systems Engineering Major of the National University of Engineering of Nicaragua (2012-2017)
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Karen Vanessa Sánchez Duarte
Uses and Functionalities of the Angle in the Development of Trigonometric Thinking
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Joan Javier Cordero Redondo
Six Didactic Designs for Learning Philosophy through the Development of Skills: The Case of Two Public Secondary Schools in San José, Costa Rica
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Francisco Pérez Marchant, Abraham Novoa Lagos
Strategies for the Development of Oral and Writing Communicative Skills of Students in Police Education Training: case Study
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Rosana Carina Enrico
The Learner's Job: Student Trajectories in the Bachelor's Degree in Psychopedagogy at the Universidad Provincial de Córdoba
PDF (Español (España))
Patricia Arias Salas
Knowledge of the Sexuality and Affectivity Program of New Students of the University of Costa Rica (West)
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Jafet Gamboa Zúñiga, Marisela Bonilla López
Perceptions of English as a Foreign Language Students on Exposure to Literary Theories
Carlos Alberto Murillo Miranda, Verónica García Castro
Ideal L2 Pre-service Teacher Selves: The Case of University Pre-service Teachers in Costa Rica
Katia Oriundo Mora
Impact of Didactic Strategies on Creative Pictorial Translation in Students of the I Cycle of Artistic Education of the School of Plastic Arts, Ayacucho, 2023
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Artículos científicos, experiencia de acción social o didáctica

Maria de los Ángeles Bizzio, Ana María Guirado, Carla Inés Maturano Arrabal
The Use of Interactive Scientific Simulations to Strengthen the Initial Training of Chemistry Teachers
PDF (Español (España))
Roberto José Muñoz Mújica, Eva Lozano Montero
Evaluation of the Digital Economy Curse in Universities of the State of Guanajuato: Case Study of the Advisory group
PDF (Español (España))
Kay Bergamini Ladrón de Guevara, Carolina Ojeda Leal , María Jesús Araya , José Ignacio Medina Guzmán , Edilia Jaque Castillo , Patricia Gutiérrez Zamorano, Jorge Olea Peñaloza
Development and Impact of a Handbook for Urban Sustainability Teaching in Three Chilean Universities
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Revisiones Bibliográficas

Juan José Quintero Rivera, Leibniz Huxlay Flórez Guzmán, Alejandro Sánchez Quiñones
Relevance of the Teaching Staff's Role in the Training of Public Accounting Major and Its Contribution to Higher Education Quality
PDF (Español (España))