Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Vol. 47, Num. 2 (2023): Journal of Education (July-December)
Vol. 47, Num. 2 (2023): Journal of Education (July-December)


Nancy Maqueda Sánchez, José Luis Cruz González, Edgardo Ruiz Carrillo, José Samuel Meraz Martínez
Virtual to Hybrid Classes Transition in the Biology Major: Analysis of Motivation, Learning Strategies, and Interaction
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Gerardo Armando Picón, Coral Stefany Cáceres Samaniego
Characterization of Virtual Classes Development from the Perspective of College Professors during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Pablo Ríos Cabrera, Carlos Ruíz Bolívar, Tulio Ramírez
Online Course Evaluation for the Development of Research Competences under a Socio-constructivist Pedagogical Approach
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Esteban Araya Acevedo, Daniela Cortés Castillo, Alberto Rodolfo Torres Belma
Teaching Strategies Evaluation in the Subject of Sociology by Medicine Students of the University of Antofagasta (Chile) in a Virtual Context
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Fabiola Sáez Delgado, Héctor García Vásquez, Javier Mella Norambuena , Yaranay López Angulo, Constanza Olea González, Carolina Noemí Contreras Saavedra
Academic Performance and Learning Self-Regulation in Chilean Professional Technical Secondary Students during COVID-19
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Marta Nieves Espericueta Medina, Lilia Sánchez Rivera, Blanca Margarita Villarreal Soto, Rocío Isabel Ramos Jaubert, Uriel Ían Suá López López Solís
The COVID-19 Pandemic, Its Involvement with Emotions, and Learning Barriers in Higher Education
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Guadalupe Nancy Nava Gómez, Rosa María Alemán Martínez
Research Pertaining the Linguistic Policy, the Index of Graduation Rate and the Learning Losses During the Pandemic COVID-19 at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico
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Rafael Baltodano Goulding
Soil Mechanics Students’ Change in Opinions towards Online Examinations during the COVID-19 Emergency
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Esteban Sanabria Mora
Psycho-Emotional, Regulatory, and Environmental Factors that Affect the Performance of English Teaching Students and Professors in Oral Tests at the UCR Atlantic Branch
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Kostyantyn Parkhomenko
Implementetion of Stylization Method into System of Professional Art Educational Process
Grettel Valenciano Canet
The Physical and Social Self-Image of Two Groups of Ninth-Year Students of Basic General Education
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Havva Sibel Kurt, Musa Sari
Determining the Effect of Concept Cards on Students’ Perception of Physics Concepts with Concept Mapping Determining the Effect of Concept Cards on Students’ Perception of Physics Concepts with Concept Mapping
María Milagro Carvajal Oses, Enyell Valerio Carranza, Christian Moreira Segura, Ángel Herrera Ulloa
Design and Validation of a Non-formal Environmental Education Plan for the Sustainable Use of Mangroves in the Community of Chacarita, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
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Sindy Yineth Ariza Soto, Karen Yulieth Gómez Lineros, Shirley Paola Rojas Sánchez, Jesús Gabalán Coello, Fredy Eduardo Vásquez-Rizo
Documentary review of the accreditation process based on some South American models associated with educational quality
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Diego Fernando Chamorro Burgos
Analysis of Professors' Beliefs about Government Training in the Department of Cauca, Colombia
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María Alicia Trillo Sanguinet, Mariela Questa Torterolo
Teachers' Perceptions About Working Conditions and Impact on Health: Case Study in Technological and Professional Secondary Education in Uruguay
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Raúl Emilio Real Delor, Rilci Araceli Acosta Sánchez, Charles Enrique Arrua Gaona , Luis Alberto Cabrera Dávalos , Marcelo Agustín Cáceres Huispe , Laura Josefina Correa Escobar, Mayra Alejandra Duarte Rodríguez , Orlando de Jesús Gómez, David Israel Ortiz Villalba, Johanna de María Ramírez, Jessica Nicoll Ruiz Diaz Llanes, Daniel Segovia Fernández , Oscar Danilo Trinidad Segovia , Vanina Soldad Monges Coiteux
Academic Procrastination in Medical Students from Paraguay in 2022
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Gloria Yessenia Mora Erazo, Andrea Vanessa Tamayo Sánchez, Fernando Lara Lara, Cristopher David Herrera Navas
Gamification and Its Potential for Reducing School Stress: Ecuadorian General Basic Education Institution Case
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Fredy Yesid Avila Niño, Paola Maritza Rincón Núñez
Inclusion of Prevention and Handle of Cybercrime in Police Education Training
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Valentina Droguett Araya, Alexis Narváez Anrique, Macarena Yancovic Allen
What Do Elementary Teachers Think about Teacher Reflection?
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Isaac Clemente Nieto Mendoza, Luis Ribon Pérez, Martha Ortiz Padilla, Luis Carlos Cárdenas Ortiz, Milagros Villasmil Molero, Lorena Camargo Sibaja
When Students Speak: Perceptions and Perspectives on Teaching Methodologies in Philosophy Education at High School Level
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Artículos científicos, experiencia de acción social o didáctica

Javier Alonso Trujillo, Abraham Alonso Ricardez, Myrna Miriam Valera Mota, Leticia Cuevas Guajardo
Relationship between Statistical Theory and Practice in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic in Nursing Students. A Lost Dialectical Unity?
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Alejandra González León, Carolina Villagra Bravo, Omar Aravena Kenigs, Nicole Jara Aguilera
Resignification of the Evaluation Process: The Experience of a School Learning Project and Professional Collaboration
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Luis Alberto Davis Sánchez, Diana Elena Fallas Rodríguez
Didactic Experience During the Students' Guiding in the Process of Their Final Graduation Projects
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Marlen Treviño Villalobos
Use of Project-Based Learning for Teaching Software Quality: College Students Perception
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Cindy Johanna Cabal Pérez, Luis Alberto Urbano Bravo, Luis Felipe Vega Castañeda
Dance, Music, and Literature as Didactic Strategies for Intercultural Dialogue in the Andean Region
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Iván Moreno Lozano, Alberto Quílez Robres, José María Matesanz
Escape Room in the Educational Field: Analysis of a Mathematics Classroom Practice
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José Cutberto Hernández Ramírez, Maximiliano Hernández Cuevas
Nutrition Education in Mexican Elementary School Communities Experienced in Social Participation in Health
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María Marta López Pacheco
Work Inclusion Experience: The Case of Oscar, a Pianist with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Lucía Isabel López Umaña
Learning Analytics as a Strategy to Improve Education in Virtual Environments
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Marcela del Carmen Concha Toro, Nelly Gromiria Lagos San Martín, Yasna Belén Anabalón Anabalón, Carmen Verónica López López, Patricia Alejandra Becerra Aguayo
Emotional Competencies in the Training of Social Work Professionals
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