Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Vol. 47, Num. 1 (2023): Journal of Education (January-June)
Vol. 47, Num. 1 (2023): Journal of Education (January-June)


Cristian Aguilar Correa, Bárbara Beatriz Farías Farías, Marcela Paz Fuentes Savoy, Paulina Ignacia Miranda Núñez, Matías Ignacio Pérez Pérez
Socio-emotional Well-being in the Context of Pandemic and Virtuality: an Approach to Parents, Teachers, and Students of Primary Education in Chile 
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Silvia Vanesa Alucin, Natalia Monjelat
Inequalities in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Educational Experiences of the Secondary Level in Argentina
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Alma Yasmin Olguín López, Jorge Luis Arriaga Martínez, Martha Leticia Gaeta González
Educational Challenges and Motivational Orientations in College Students from the Health Sciences Department during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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José Alejandro Gonzáles Campos, Jobana Fayine Agredo Morales, María Daniela Campo Sánchez, María Paula Hernández Barrios, Nubia Liliana Oviedo Tovar
Sense of Belonging and Student Commitment in the Context of Higher Distance Learning with Virtual Mediation
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David Fernando Lozano Treviño, Lauro Maldonado Maldonado
Factors Associated with Resilience in Militarized High School Students in the State of Nuevo León, Mexico
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Gloria Rebeca Moncada Rodríguez, Blanca Margarita Villarreal Soto, Marta Nieves Espericueta Medina, Elsa Lucía Tamez Aguirre
Evaluation, a key tool to boost education and creativity in the curriculum design
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Lily Ariadna Silva Blanco
Consistency Between Teaching Practice and the Evaluation of Teaching by Students in Higher Education: Case Studies in the Universidad Veracruzana
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Alejandra Magali Torres Velázquez, Martha Elizabeth Zanatta Colín
Design and Validation of a Measurement Scale to Explore the Structuring Knowledge in the Comprehensive Training of University Students
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Deon Victoria Heffington, Vladimir Veniamin Cabañas Victoria, Floricely Dzay Chulim, Magnolia Negrete Cetina
Teaching Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Public Elementary Schools in Mexico
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Petter Martín Arana Tuesta, Beymar Pedro Solís Trujillo
Promotion of Scientific Skills in Science and Technology Textbooks of the Second Grade of Secondary Education in Peru
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Sepide Farhadi, Gökhan Öztürk
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Level and Needs of Pre-Service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teachers: Evidence from Turkey
Kevin Armando Brand Fonseca, Lena Barrantes Elizondo, Roger Segura Arias, Roberto Arguedas Zúñiga
Professional Teacher Training Needs in Teaching English: A Case Study in the Brunca Region of Costa Rica
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William Charpentier Jiménez
English as a Foreign Language University (EFL) Students’ Perception of Dictionary Use and Training
María Isabel Pozzo, Dra., María Eugenia Talavera
The Role of Languages in the Internationalization of Higher Education. A Case Study in Educational Sciences in Argentina
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María Antonieta Vargas Solís, Álvaro Zumbado Venegas, Jimmy Salazar Miranda, Estefannía Vargas Badilla, Edgardo Jiménez Murillo, Deily Arroyo Chaves, Vanessa Campos Solís, Abigail Arias Zúñiga
Teachers’ Perception of the English Curriculum Change in Costa Rica: The Action-Oriented Approach
Sonia García-Segura, Diego Copé Gil, Carmen Gil-Pino
The Understanding and Improvement of Educational Centers through the Analysis of their Management Projects: the Case of Córdoba, Spain
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David Piñera Ramírez, Isaac Cruz Estrada
Importance of the Quality of University Services: The Case of Sämann University of Jalisco, Campus Tijuana
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Silvia Palma Campos
Benefits of Legends for Reading Comprehension, a Study in Madrid, Spain
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Karen Calvo Díaz, Diana Martínez Alpízar, Nelson Pérez Rojas, Guaner Rojas Rojas, Sigrid Solano Moraga
Lexical Mastery and Semantic Relationships: Vocabulary Validation for Reasoning Items
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Braian Marchetti, Luis Porta
The Conectar Igualdad Program in Argentina from the Voices of its Protagonists. An Analysis of its Management Structure and Decision-Making Network
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Roberto Lorenzo Benítez, Wilmer Antonio Freire Pulla, Eulogio Wilfrido Macías Barzola, Paola Dayanara Cedeño Heras
Didactic Guide for Solving Problems on Homogeneous Fractions in the Eighth Year of General Basic Education
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Mónica Zúñiga González, Juan Valenzuela Fuenzalida, Lilian Bastias Troncoso
The Learning Styles of Nursing Technicians Students and their Usefulness in Teaching Didactics
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Juan Pablo Sánchez-Domínguez, Jennifer Monserrat Cab Loria, Kimberly Scarlett Shiels Méndez
Teacher Discomfort: The Inclusion of a 5-Year-Old Girl with Microcephaly in the Preschool Classroom
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Milagro Carvajal Oses, Enyell Valerio-Carranza, Christian Moreira-Segura, Ángel Herrera-Ulloa
Towards a Non-formal and Contextualized Environmental Education Process in the Community of Chacarita, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
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Elena Chaves Chaves
A didactic strategic implementation based on collaborative and active learning in topography engineering: Role play.Implementation of a Didactic Strategy Based on Collaborative and Active Learning in Topographic Engineering: Role Play
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Erick Mata Abdelnour
Proposal for the Incorporation of 3D Modeling and Printing for the Teaching of Civil Engineering at the University of Costa Rica
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Bibliographic Reviews

Estíbaliz Narváez Pérez
Critical Thinking Skills in Elementary School Learners and the Task-Based Language Teaching Approach: A Systematic Literature Review
Sebastián Fuentes, Belén Estrada
School Nutrition and Food Education: Recent Trends in Research in Latin America between 2005 and 2021
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Wilfrido Corona Meza
Characterization of the Components of Formative Research in the Contemporary University in Latin America
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Berenice Jaime Romero, María Eugenia Chávez Arellano, Willelmira Castillejos López
State of the Art of the 4MAT System in Educational Research and English Language Learning
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Diego Fernando Chamorro Burgos
From the Company to the School: Reconstruction of Knowledge Management in the Educational Field
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Manuela Esperanza Peralta Tapia, Eleuterio Horna Torres, Enrique Horna Torres, Flor Delicia Heredia Llatas
Administrative Management in Educational Management Units: A Literature Review
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Samuel Pérez Norambuena
Promotion of Values in the Training of Physical Education Teachers: a Systematic Review
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