Current Issue
Journal of Education was created during by Dean Dr. Jesús Ugalde Víquez, being the seventh to be created in 1976, in the University of Costa Rica as the publishing entity, and is published by the Faculty of Education. The aim of the Journal of Education of the University of Costa Rica is to disseminate research and promote academic reflection referred to Education. It provides coverage for a wide variety of themes: access to education, the right to quality, better learning, teaching conditions, epistemological reflections, gender and others.
It is directed, both nationally and internationally, to a scientific and professional community and to any population or individual interested in its subject matter.
The journal receives national and international contributions.
It is published every six months. The first issue is published in January and runs from January to June; the second issue is published in July and runs from July to December.
To publish, see the Guide for Submission and Statement of Originality.